Summer and Fall of 2020

So, it has been a long time since my last entry – 5 or 6 months. Boy, they were eventful months…NOT.

Our trip back home from Georgia in early April was almost surreal. Going into any building was either frowned upon or downright prohibited. The federal and state governments and CDC were recommending stay home, but we were trying to get home. We did it in two days, working hard to get it done.

Once we got home, for a while we didn’t do much except go to the grocery store. That was a weird experience in itself. Everyone, of course, wore masks and people you were used to smiling to and saying hello to, seemed to look at you like you were just waiting to give them covid.

The rest of the spring and summer was not bad, although not what we planned. When our trip to Yellowstone was postponed until next year, we said let’s get on the road west anyway. But after research, we decided that between a variety of covid rules (each state was different) and closings, it just seemed not worth it.

Plan B then. We followed the rules and did what we could. It wasn’t a bad summer. We spent some time over the border at our second home, the cabin in the woods. We spent a few days in Alex. Bay, took a boat ride on the St. Lawrence, and ate crispy duck for the first time. When we were allowed, we visited our daughter and family in Vermont.

We did manage to keep our Cape Cod rental for 3 of the 4 weeks we planned in June and got to spend a few days with the grandson on the beach.

We are now back on the canal for our end of summer two week visit. The ocean is such a wonderful, calming place, with or without masks.

I will finished this blog with pics of some of our visitors to the cabin.